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Archaeological Collection Of Archanes Crete

Museums & Archaeological Sites Guide

Archaeological Collection Of Archanes Crete

Heraklion Prefecture – Archanes


Details / Information  Overview:

The Archanes Archaeological Collection, opened for the first time its gates to the public, in 1993. Since then it mainly hosts, replicas of items from the excavations in the areas of Knossos, the Minoan cemetery in Fourni, and the sanctuary of Anemospilaion.

Through the exhibits, you will find out about the way of life of the ancient Minoans. Elements of their diet, entertainment, customs, and religion. The building that is accommodating the museum is a splendid new classic building, manufactured in the 19th century.

Address  Address:

1, Michail Kalochristianaki Str. GR-70100

Location (City, Village, Area)  Location:

Ano Archanes, Heraklion

Telephone number  Telephone:

(+30) 2810752712

Fax number  Fax:

E-mail address  E-mail:

Website Url Url:

Operating Period  Operating Period:


Operating Days & Hours  Operating Days & Hours:

WED-MON: 08:00-15:00

Admission Fee  Admission Fee:

• General admission: Full: €2, Reduced: €1

Notes  Notes:

• Only 2 steps leading into the museum, so wheelchairs can go in if assisted.




* The above information, are subject to change without prior notification from the institution. In any case, has no responsibilities for any occurred changes.

 Last update 30/04/2017

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